Thursday, May 1, 2008

You should see the other guy.

So Thomas is okay, but he took a header down the stairs and is a little banged up and bruised. I made dinner and he complained about it before he even had a bite. So he got time out, which he did not like. Time Out is 3 steps up the stairs and he's to sit there quietly for 5 minutes (or we do it again). He was flailing around and yelling about this and that, very dramatic. Then he decides to put his legs inside of his pant legs and his arms inside of his shirt arms. In his flailing, he loses balance and has nothing to brace himself for the floor except his face. The blood! His nose blew up like a balloon and turned the most awful shade of purple. I got him cleaned up (while Nolan kept asking when he could have dessert--men!) and called the doctor. Since he stopped screaming at that point and his nose seemed to be all in one piece still, we figured he would be fine. After some ice, Tylenol and a good night sleep, he seemed a lot better in the morning. Nothing broken except his pride. I never did institute the second time out.

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