Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

Actually, is that okay to say? We're supposed to be remembering all of those who fought for our country and many who continue to do so. I guess it's happy in the sense that we live in a country of great freedom and we have a day off to enjoy it with family. Which is what we're doing today--another fun day at the Great Escape! Then Nolan has baseball practice and we have a barbecue at my mother-in-law's. I plan to pass out at the end of the day.

Saturday Thomas had baseball and he did great! So we're sticking with it and just gently encouraging him. Chris and Nolan stayed out in the field with him which helped, and also the bribe of gum at the end! He had good hits off the tee and even got a kid out at first base.

My sister and her husband came to visit yesterday and we had a great visit. We met at a local drive-in Jumpin' Jacks and ate the best, greasiest food. The kids played at the playground and then we hung out in our backyard the rest of the day. The boys put together our new picnic table and it looks great. It was fun.

21 more days until school is over--7 more for Thomas!

1 comment:

  1. I had the same thought...wished a customer "Happy Memorial Day!" as I was walking out of their office...then stopped outside considering my idiocy... Speaking idiocy a word? It seems like it should be.
