Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mom's Day and the Baseball Blues

May seems to be flying away and carrying us with it. I can't even put my finger on any one thing that seems to be the culprit--except maybe baseball. That in combination with dentist appointments, play dates, car appointments, school, just plain regular life...I'm not complaining because it's all good! Just an exhausting pace. Another kink is the check engine light came on in our new (to us) car. It's still under warranty until May 19th, so we brought it into the garage. That involved us getting to the garage before Chris went to work and Thomas throwing up on the way. No car for me that day. They thought they fixed it and we got it back. On my way to class, the light came back on again--argh! So now we have to bring it back in again , which we can't do until Thursday. Hopefully I 'll have it back by that night so I can go to school. The car acts fine--I have no idea why the light is coming on. It's probably a minor thing and it will all be behind us soon.

Anyway, Thomas and Nolan both had games on Saturday. Thomas is a quandary. For the second week now, he will not participate in the game. He did the first day and loves to play at home, but he struggles when he has to do it in a large group. Last week, we ended up just leaving. This week we stuck it out and tried to ignore his complaints, hoping he would come around. But it felt like we were forcing it a little. So do we quit, and does that teach him to quit when things are hard? Or do we keep trying, not forcing but just be encouraging and hope he comes around? He is only 5, I know. But if there's one thing I know about Thomas is when he makes up his mind, there is no changing it. Chris thinks we should try one more time and if it's a no go, then quit. I'm thinking maybe we've already given it a good try and we should quit now. I just hope we can find a sport that works for him eventually. More on this saga as it continues...

Hope all the moms out there had a great day yesterday! We went to Great Escape and had a good time. It was a little cool, but there were no crowds. It's so great to have the season passes so we don't feel rushed to see everything. Thanks again Mom and Dad!

Well, I'm off. Thomas is going to school soon, a friend is coming over after school and then a baseball game tonight. Chris will put some pics on soon...

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