Friday, April 4, 2008

Okay, 7 days now!

Thomas wakes up and does the countdown first thing. He's just a little excited about his birthday! I hope he doesn't work himself up too much before the day gets here. I sat down yesterday and came up with 10 games to play. I'm hoping the weather is nice and we can play them outside. Otherwise, we can play shortened versions of them in the basement. We're having cheesy quesadillas, strawberries and grapes. Cupcakes and ice cream for dessert. I'm not sure the decorations yet. But everything is Scooby Doo. I have to go shopping tomorrow and go crazy in the party store.
So the good news is Chris finally has a contract where he works! This is such a relief. After so much time has gone by and failed negotiations, management and union have come up with something that they can both live with. So no one is celebrating, because some concessions were made, but I think there is a big sigh of relief.
In other good news, Nolan has had a great week. He finished his basketball clinic with a pizza party. He was very proud to walk up to the coach, get his T-shirt and shake his hand. He loves baseball but I think he has a real love of basketball too. And with his height, I think he could be really good at it. And yesterday, he had his Zoom Time at school. This is a 15 minute presentation where he gets to be the teacher and talk about whatever interests him. So he chose Cub Scouts. He had a cue card to read from, and then presented a video that he and Chris worked on together. He did all the script for it and Chris edited the pictures (until 2am for a few nights--he's tired!). It turned out great. Then he had a handout and showed the kids some of the Cub Scout moves (the salute,...). But the best part was he took questions at the end. He seemed so confident and answered all their questions. He was so proud of himself! It was really cool. Maybe he'll be a teacher someday. Just like Grandpa!
So with all of these happy things happening, it leaves me feeling really grateful for all we have. Today is a rainy day. Nolan is off to school and Thomas will be shortly. I'm off to exercise and then go to the dentist. We have a full weekend so I'll write again soon to fill you in.

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