Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April 23rd

Happy Birthday Mom! Hope you're having an extra special day. We'll call you tonight.

Yesterday Thomas had his 5 year old check up. He's very healthy and was very brave with the 2 shots he got. Of course, he was really into the drama of it and limped out of the doctor's office, saying he couldn't walk anymore because of them! He is 35 pounds and 39 1/2 inches. So tiny! He is in the 10th percentile for weight (meaning only 10% of children his age are lighter than him) and 4th percentile for height! So he's really short! But that's not comparing him with just other Asian kids. I think the percentiles would be different then. He is proportional and growing in his own way, so it's just who he is--short and lean. We celebrated afterwards by going to ToysrUs to spend the money Aunt Kimmy and Uncle John sent him for his birthday. He bought 2 HotWheels Crashers. Today he goes to preschool and plays at his friend Leo's house afterward.

I work at the church today and then have some errands to run. Nolan wants to try to learn tennis after school today, so we're going to the park (if it doesn't rain) to figure it out. I have no idea how to play either, other than hitting a ball over a net, so it should be interesting!

1 comment:

  1. I think you've got the 10th percentile thing backwards. It means only 10 percent of kids are lighter than him while 90 percent are heavier.
