Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tomorrow's the day!

Thomas cannot contain himself. He has the whole day figured out. When he wakes up, he gets to have Reese's Puffs for breakfast (They get to pick whatever they want for breakfast on their birthday, even if it's chocolate.). Then he can watch TV which he usually doeesn't get to do in the morning. That's good for me because I have to get supper ready for that night. At 11:30am we pick up his best friend Leo and go to this cool McDonald's Play Place in Clifton Park. Chris comes home from work early and then all of Chris' family comes over for dinner. This is especially exciting because he adores his cousins AND his Aunt Mary Ellen (or Aunt Mississippi, as he calls her) will be here from Kentucky. So it will be a big day for him.

Yesterday was a big day too. He got to practice riding on the bus. His future class met at the library and watched a bus safety video. Then we pile into thebus. He wasn't sure about getting on without mom, but then he got sucked on with the rest of the kids and was okay. I rode the bus too but I was in the back with the other moms. Then the bus drove around to where everyone's house was. When we got close to our house, Thomas yelled, "That's my house! It's right there!". So the busdriver stopped and I was glad I raked the lawn the day before. I think Thomas liked it and is happy to be turning 5.

Nolan is not quite as happy about it. They are fighting like cats and dogs lately. They usually play so great together but not lately. I guess they are getting older or it's a phase. Maybe Nolan doesn't like the attention of Thomas' birthday. Whatever it is, it's exhausting! I try to ignore most of it, but it takes effort to stay out of it! And when it gets physical, then I have to get in there. The other day Thomas took the basketball away from Nolan and wouldn't give it back. So Nolan decides to rip it out of his hands, which causes Thomas to fall and clock his head on the pavement. They both screwed up in that scenario, so I made them apologize, no blood loss so they went back to playing. Good times.

So wish me luck getting ready for party #1. I have to figure out how to make a cake look like the Mystery Machine today.

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