Sunday, March 30, 2008

March 30, or 10 days to Thomas' Birthday

Thomas has been counting the days to his birthday. He's really excited to turn 5--who wouldn't be? He's having a Scooby-Doo birthday party and inviting his 5 closest friends. I haven't started planning anything except getting the invitations out. I'm hoping to work on it this week. The plan is to keep it simple . We leave for Burlington the day after the party, so it will be hectic enough with a party and getting ready to go on a trip. The trip to Burlington was Thomas' idea too. We go for 3 days and hope to see the Echo Aquarium, Ben & Jerry's and the Vt Teddy Bear Company. We are probably the only family going north for spring break instead of south! Chris has been doing extra work lately, videotaping school plays. So that's paying for the trip.
Anyway, I have a quiet house right now with Nolan at a baseball clinic and Chris and Thomas as spectators. It's been a church-filled weekend. Yesterday, we had our nephew Louis' confirmation and party. Today, church was done by the children and we helped a little at that too. I think we are churched out. Thomas was not on his best behavior today--I think he was tired. Yesterday, at the confirmation party, he kept scooping ice from one glass to another glass. Then he tried to give it to Chris and said "Here's it's my blood! Like Jesus!". So, I think we've been hanging out at church a little too much lately!
This week, a lot of our activities end which is a blessing. Religion classes ended today. Nolan has his last pack meeting for Cub Scouts and the Blue and Gold Dinner for it on Sunday. Basketball ends with a pizza party on Tuesday. And some other activities end the following week, so we will have a short lull before baseball starts at the end of April. Yippee!

1 comment:

  1. Hey's great to be on board!! I enjoy reading your blogs when there is a lull in the action at work. Keep 'em coming!! See you all soon. ME
    P.S. Hey Thomas...only 7 more days!
