Monday, April 21, 2008


Chris just brought Thomas to preschool, and I am alone in a quiet house--heaven! Don't get me wrong, I love it when we're all together. But it is SO LOUD when we are all here! And men are messy. So I need to get my butt in gear and do some serious cleaning. But just a few thoughts-

We finished out our spring break by seeing a lot of friends and playing outside in the beautiful weather. We've had a couple baseball practices, and we'll have a couple more this week before our first games on Saturday. I've gotten all of our summer clothes out and put away the sweaters and corduroys. I hope I'm not jinxing it! I found Nolan and I were lacking in a lot of clothes, so I went on a shopping spree Saturday and had fun spending money we don't have (Please hurry rebate check!). We are so excited to be wearing shorts and thinking about summer.

This week, besides baseball practices, Thomas has his 5 year old check up and Mom has a birthday. Nolan's first communion is the following weekend, so I have some planning to do with that. We also hope to start some gardening and plant some peas.
The dust bunnies are calling me and I only have 2 hours to get Thomas, so I have to fly-

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