Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Spring!

Well, the waffles were a hit and now Chris is putting the kids to bed. Thomas has a little cold and a fever this afternoon. After a 3 hour nap (Yeah for me!) he seems a lot better. We'll see what tomorrow brings. The boys were supposed to have their picture taken tomorrow and then Nolan was going to have a friend over, but I canceled everything when I discovered the fever. We might just stay home, color eggs and think about Good Friday.

We are pretty busy lately. Every night we have something happening, which is why we're being bad Catholics and not going to Holy Thursday mass tonight. We needed a night of nothing. Nolan and Thomas both have swim lessons on Saturdays. That is going pretty well, although Thomas could be cooperating a little more. They both just finished religion. Nolan is also doing basketball and Cub Scouts. Both of those will be ending soon and baseball will start. He just participated in a foul shooting contest on Tuesday, and he got a trophy for the most shots in his grade level--we're all proud! This makes up for not getting a big trophy at the Pinewood Derby last weekend. As far as Thomas goes, he is going to a story hour on Tuesdays at our elementary school. He'll have his kindergarten screening soon, if you can beleive it! All of this on top of the classes I take on Tuesday nights and buying a new car (well, new to us. It's a 2001 Subaru Forester--and it's red!) has made us running around like crazy people. But it's all good.

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