Friday, February 27, 2009

February's End

I am blogging with a headlamp on my head while the boys watch a movie, The Nutty Professor. They wanted complete darkness, so this is our compromise! February sure is short and sweet. I can't believe March is almost here already. March is my least favorite month--no holidays worthy of a day off, the weather is usually unpredictable and the waiting for spring gets hard. But I'm hoping to change my tune. There is St. Pat's Day, after all, lots of early dismissals because of school conferences and I'm hoping to get an early start on a garden by starting some plants indoors. Nolan has a baseball clinic and a trip to Massachusetts to sleep on a battleship with Cub Scouts in March. So there...March is looking up!

We had a great time in Syracuse. The driving was a little hairy getting there with the lake effect, but we made it to McDonalds where I got to visit with school friends Shawn and Stephanie. It was really neat to catch up after 20 YEARS (yes, I'm that old)! We're hoping to meet up again in the spring at a park. Then we got my sister and hit the MOST, a children's science museum in Syracuse. That place was cool. There was a toothpick man there that builds these elaborate sculptures out of--you got it--toothpicks. He's going to be there for a year, and you can ask him questions while he works. Thomas' favorite thing was a brain in a jar. Nolan liked this game where you could be on television playing basketball. I liked the big, 3 story play gym with tunnels, slides and shooting balls. The kids went in and we really didn't see them again for an hour! Actually, Kim and I did go in a little too. It was mayhem in there, but fun to see so many happy kids. We went back to her house, had dinner and vegged on the couch with a movie until we called it a day. The next day was another highlight of the kids' trip: the flying helicopter! It's this 10 cent toy John brought out, and when you roll the stick between your hands, the helicopter on the top makes it fly in the air. The kids loved it. We headed home early afternoon so we could get Chester from the kennel in time. What a blast we had--thanks Kim and John!

So back to school this week. Nolan had a pack meeting where he finally got his prize for selling popcorn--a lego toy. He was very happy to finally get it. Lent started this week, so we've been following a calendar that has good deeds the kids are supposed to do every day. After-school programs started this week too: Thomas is taking Computer Fun and Nolan is taking Tai Kwon Do. Both are loving it. This weekend we have to get moving on Nolan's Pinewood Derby car. The first weigh-in is in a week.

It's been harder to keep up with this blog lately, but I'll keep trying!

1 comment:

  1. Wait...MOST is a KID's museum??
    I don't get that. But I have been on most of the night...
