Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Quiet Weekend

This weekend Chris and I were planning a trip to Plattsburgh to stay at a B&B there called the Point au Roche Lodge. We've been a couple times and loved it. Not everyone would pick to go overnight to Plattsburgh, of all places. But we met there, and it's quiet there. The lodge overlooks Lake Champlain, so it's very pretty and rustic. We were hoping to go xc skiing at Saratoga Battlefield, get some sweatshirts on campus and go out to dinner. But suddenly, sickness set in. DUN-DUN-DUN!

Actually, it's not a big deal. Nolan was at a friend's house yesterday and started to feel weird and threw up (Lucky them!). That continued most of the evening. Today he is feeling a little better but out of it. I'm hoping tomorrow he'll be back to his old self. So all of the planning for childcare and dogcare went out the window and we were reduced to a vacation at home.

I think Chris may argue with this, but it's been a nice weekend so far despite the disappointment. We had no plans to be home, so it's been very relaxing. We slept in, I made pancakes, we've let the boys watch TV all day, and we even got a nap in this afternoon! Our plan is to get some pizza tonight, start a fire and watch a movie. In a way, it is like a vacation at home. Can't beat the price anyway!

The lodge is holding our deposit so we can reschedule the trip, so hopefully we'll still be able to go at some point. We had to cancel our trip last year too, so they are probably wondering why we keep torturing ourselves by trying to make this getaway happen! It's been 2 years since Chris and I went away overnight. And it will probably happen when we don't plan it and just go. Life is funny that way sometimes.

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