Thursday, August 7, 2008

Play dates and sunshine

Nolan has his friend Evan over now and his older brother Derek. They play great together. Right now they all have their Nintendo DS's and are playing Mario Kart. Thomas is right in the mix, playing on his own Leapster game with a similar race car game. I love it when we have friends over that require no maintenance on my part! If I have to play too, it defeats the purpose of having friends over! Not that I don't like to play sometimes too, but we can do that anytime. I should probably have them play outside or something in a little bit while the sun is out.

The weather has been odd the last few days. It will be blue skies and sun and then a downpour. Sometimes the sun is still shining in the rain. It's making hanging clothes outside challenging.

Tomorrow is the last day of summer camp--3 weeks to school! Story time at the library ended this week too. This week, a man came to story time to teach about his exotic animals--turtles, lizards, snakes and even a hedgehog and quail. We learned the proper way to pick up a frog (by the legs or scoop underneath, never around the middle because they have no rib cage.). This weekend, we hope to go to the Great Escape again with some friends--it's been a while since we've been. On Sunday, Nolan and I are going to a book signing with Tomie de Paula--famous children's author. And we have lots of fun things to do next week. We are going to soak up as much of this summer as we can!

Nolan is also doing a job of feeding a neighbor's cats this week while she is away. I go with him but he does most of the work. It's been good for him. So far the cats want nothing to do with us, but he always tells them they are good cats before we leave. I can't beleive he is old enough to do this.

In case I don't get online again soon--Happy Anniversary to Mark and Mary Ellen on Sunday! Also, Happy Birthday Marlene on Monday and Happy Anniversary to Mike and Sharon on Tuesday!~

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