Monday, August 11, 2008

It's raining, It's pouring...

I'm watching the rain fall and drip from leaf to leaf on the ivy that grows on my neighbor's garage. I'm continuing to try hard not to complain about the weather we get. I'm glad we live in a place where we get to experience all kinds of weather. But I just got the mail and it is completely soaked! I endeavor to keep my grumblings to myself. Between this and 2 boys that are completely bored and me, completely out of ideas of fun things to do--yeah, it's fun in the Rooney house today! :)

Unlike this weekend which was jammed packed with fun. Saturday, we were supposed to go to Great Escape with our friends, the Prices. But they had sick kids. A bummer, but we decided to go to Six Flags New England in Massachusetts instead. With our season pass, we get to go there for free as well, AND our parking pass works there too! SO it was a cheap trip and a beautiful day--why not? Except that the rest of New England had the same idea. It was JAM PACKED with people. Luckily we still have younger kids and stuck to the kiddie rides where the wait was less. Chris thought he might try the humongous Superman roller coaster, until he found out it was a 2 hour wait! So we stuck with Wiggle World and Thomas Land. After about 4 hours, Nolan was asking to leave and Thomas was crying so it was time. On the way home, Nolan asked why it wasn't dark yet--it was only 5pm! And Thomas was crying that he had to pee and how mean we were that we couldn't pull over on the highway for him right that minute. Good times! Seriously, it was fun and a good experience for the kids. But I swear we all have more fun when we have more low key adventures.

Like yesterday, Nolan and I went to a book signing and lecture by Tomie de Paola, children's author. We both loved it! There were free ice cream sundaes (Chris and Thomas stayed for that part) and good discussion. Nolan even raised his hand with a question and got to meet him when he signed his book. Nolan tells me he wants to be an illustrator if playing for the Yankees doesn't pan out. I told him he could do anything he puts his mind to.

So our friend Sharon stayed over last night, on her way to Syracuse where her mom is having surgery. My mother-in-law had cataract surgery today, did great and we spent a lot of time with her this afternoon to make sure she's okay. Nolan has his annual physical tomorrow. Lots of doctor visits these days. Lots to pray for to keep God busy up there. The rest of the week will hopefully pass quickly--we go to Silver Lake for a week's vacation on Saturday!

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