Thursday, July 24, 2008

The sun is out!

It is so great to see the sun shine and the humidity gone after buckets and buckets of rain! It was pouring an hour ago and now suddenly there is blue sky. The kids had fun at camp today, and Nolan had a field trip to Chuck E. Cheese which he loved. No baseball yesterday because of the rain. Thomas is almost done swim lessons, and he's so close to swimming! He can swim a few feet now. As soon as he can put all the movements together, I think he'll take off with it. He really likes it. I think we'll skip today's lesson, though, because he's super grumpy and tired.

I have been painting Thomas' room and hope to be done by this weekend. Chris' car is in the shop, so we are without a car today. Chris has a long weekend this weekend, so we're thinking about a hike and maybe Great Escape again.

1 comment:

  1. If I hadn't looked outside, I wouldn't have believed it! ;)
