Saturday, October 25, 2008

Boys are crazy!

I say that because we had 2 boys over yesterday after school. One was Nolan's best friend and the other was his older brother, who Thomas thinks is here for him even though he's in 5th grade. They all love each other and play so beautifully! They had snacks, played video games and then proceeded to run around the house screaming like crazy people! Boys are so easy sometimes. Give them video games and a space to run around and they are all set.

We had the boys' parent teacher conferences this week and they went well. Thomas is doing great, just needs a little help with his letter sounds. She says he's a stickler for the rules and seems pretty quiet in class--can you imagine!!! Nolan is also doing great, especially in reading. She told us he is so kind and compassionate that he sometimes doesn't stand up for himself, which is so nice but also I feel a little bad for him. Chris and I were just like that growning up too, at least the not standing up for ourselves part. I think he needs more friends in his class, so we're going to work on that. Nolan needs a little work in math and being organized, but is still staying afloat and doing great in school. We're happy.

I have a conference today so Chris is on his own with these 2 monkeys. We're having a family down the street over for dinner tonight, so that will be fun. And Thomas has a birthday party on Sunday. They're watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles right now!

We're excited that we've been doing so great with our budget lately that we're getting cable back next week! I haven't minded being without it that much, but the boys (boys including our biggest one, Chris) have really sacrificed without it. So we're allowing ourselves the indulgence again--yeah!

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