Thursday, June 5, 2008

Angels in the Outfield

Nolan (and his whole team for that matter) played one of his best games tonight.

He made two outs at the plate as catcher in the first inning, one at first base in the third and he assisted with an out at second base while playing right field in the fourth inning.

Batting he went four for four, with a double (the most you're allowed in Single A) and three singles. It was his first ever double. When Kris congratulated him, he made sure to point out to her that it was his first "career" double.

Here's the crazy thing. When I arrived at the game (I was running late unfortunately) I noticed there was a C-130 circling overhead. Every time I see one of the ski birds from the Stratton Air National Guard Base I can't help but think of dad. So I smiled and thought to myself that it's going to be a good game.

And it was a great game -- with that C-130 up above for what seemed like most of it. A part of me can't help but think that meant Nolan's pop was looking down on him.

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