Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm a techy fool!

I just recently have discovered the joys of texting. So much fun! I feel so connected. I'm writing on my blog, the phone just rang, I get a text while on my land-line phone, and I'm on Facebook at the same time-wow! My husband's geekiness is wearing off on me big-time.
So it's the first day of vacation and I'm already feeling the laziness of not having to be anywhere. The kids are tuned out watching TV, and not fighting yet. (Wait, I might have spoken too soon.) We had a fun trip to Moira this weekend, ending with a visit to the ice castle in Saranac Lake. I have some ideas on how to keep the kids busy this week, including a new water park I just found out about, sledding, museums, and hikes. So I will try to be better with posts and pics. Gotta get started!


  1. Texting...ugh :-) The last time I text (in Oct), I spent 10 minutes writting a sentence. I swore I would never do it again. Also, Considering the fact that I don't realize that my cell phone needs recharging until 5 days after the battery dies, I guess I'm just not that techy.

  2. If you want, Kris (or Aaron) I can show you how to set it up so you can update your blog via text message. ;-)
